Easy2.host blogs and tips

How to share PDF as a link

PDF documents are a widely used file format for sharing and storing important information. Often, we need to share a PDF document with others, but sending it as an attachment in an email or other messaging service can be cumbersome. Fortunately, there are several ways to share a PDF document as a link, making it easy for others to access and view the file. In this blog post, we will explore how to share a PDF as a link using Easy2.host.

Step 1: Create a PDF

Before you can share a PDF as a link, you need to create the document. There are several ways to create a PDF document, including using Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or other PDF editors. Once you have created the document, save it to your computer.

Step 2: Upload the PDF to Easy2.host static website and PDF hosting

To get started, navigate to Easy2.host and select the PDF document you want to share, put link name, your email address, then click on the “Upload” button. Easy2.host will upload your document to its server and provide you the shareable link that you can share it with others.

In conclusion, Easy2.host provides a simple and effective way to share PDF documents as links. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can easily share your PDF documents using Easy2.host. Whether you are sharing a document with colleagues, classmates, or clients, sharing a PDF as a link is a convenient way to ensure that everyone has access to the information they need.

Watch this video, and you will see how really it is easy.

Watch the video